OM House
These classes are in the traditional Mysore style. You may arrive for practice anytime between 6am and 8am.
Bring your own mat and towel for hygiene.
Weekly Morning Mysore
MON from 6am to 9am
TUE from 6am to 10.30am
WED from 6am to 9am
THU from 6am to 10.30am
FRI from 6am to 9am
SUN from 7am to 9.30am
Evening Classes
TUE from 5pm to 7pm,
Mysore with Jordan -
WED from 6pm to 7pm. Moving to Mysore with Trevor
THU from 5pm to 7pm,
Mysore with Jordan
Led Classes classes
FRI 10 - 11.30am - LED Class
SAT 7.30-9am - LED Class
SUN 9.30 - 11am - LED Class
OM House: Level 1,
52 Hall Street, Bondi.

Eileen Hall

Trevor Tangye

Susi Sweeney

Jordan Turner
As we are all at different levels of financial resources at different times in our lives I wanted to introduce a Fair Exchange, so please choose a price that suites you depending on how your resources are, how much you love yoga and how often you’d like to attend.
Each pass will be one calendar month. Payments can be made in class with tap 'n go or contact Eileen for bank transfer details.
A monthly pass for those on a low income or if you might join 8 to 10 classes a month.
A monthly pass for anyone that comes 4-6 times a week.
A monthly pass price for those who love yoga and would like to support the ongoing costs of the OM House and those less fortunate.
One off drop-in
If you’d like to learn the Mysore practice it requires no previous yoga experience, however you will need to commit to at least 2 classes a week.
Please email Eileen to arrange your first session.